Welcome to the Circle for Transformation,

a vibrant community for personal growth & spiritual expansion where you can tap into

  • unique resources
  • effective tools
  • powerful techniques
  • personal guidance & support

Whether you are at the beginning or some way along your path, we at Circle for Transformation hope to be able to help you unlock your answers and find the steps you need to transform your situation in all aspects of life, love, work and play.



Here at Circle for Transformation, we understand that the journey of personal and spiritual growth is unique and different for everyone.  

To help you find content relevant to you we’ve outlined the key areas of life where we know most issues show up.

 Explore our resources

Energy Techniques

Using energy-based tools and techniques enables our coaches to offer a holistic approach that can create positive shifts simultaneously on a physical, mental, and emotional level.

Understanding that everything is connected on an energetic level also means you can potentially fast-track your results and create lasting effects by addressing the issue at the root cause level.  Learn more about different ways of working energetically.

Coaching / therapy / healing

All of our coaches are fully qualified in one or more energy therapies.  Coaching is be available 121 in person and online and many of our coaches offer online and group programmes.

Discover our amazing coaches