Created by: Kat Catlin

When it comes to relationships the most important relationship is the one we have with ourselves or more precisely with our inner-child.

The inner child is the young version of us who experienced life before our conscious memory began. By understanding ourselves as such it can help us immensely in our transformational journey.

Everything we experience before the age of seven “programs us” and often determines how we perceive the world around us. A majority of this programming happens during our time in the womb, at the time of our birth and early childhood.  If we often feel anxious, angry, worried, have a habit of overthinking, or lack confidence without knowing why it could be linked to these early events.

Time in the Womb

From the day of our conception to the day we are born we are intrinsically connected with our mother. What she experiences during this time in her relations ships, her emotions, her worries are also felt by us. The circumstances surrounding our pregnancy be it planned, unplanned, unwanted, easy, or high-risk pregnancies will have an impact on us.

Time of Birth

As in the womb, what our mother experienced emotionally, how relaxed or anxious she was, was also felt by us.  The circumstances when & how we are born will affect us. Be it early, late, or on time, by natural birth, a birth with complications, by c-section…the combinations are endless.

Early Childhood

What we are exposed to in the first five years of our life will shape the emotional basis of our life experiences. The relationships we have and observe with the people around us. Their behaviors, values, beliefs, habits & patterns will determine how we deal with life going forward, how we think, the choices we make, and how we FEEL…

If we are easily triggered and feel unresolved or unexplained negative emotions, it is possible to identify the root cause and transform the negative memory on a subconscious and energetic level.  

EAM, The Energy Alignment Method is a great tool to detect and shift resistant energy connected with early-age trauma and conditioning.