What are Limiting Beliefs? 

How do they affect us & how can we shift them? 

Limiting beliefs are restrictive thoughts or beliefs that we hold about ourselves, others, or the world around us. These beliefs can be based on our past experiences, the opinions of others, or societal norms, and can be conscious or unconscious.

Our limiting beliefs can affect our lives in several ways.

1.  they can limit our potential and prevent us from achieving our goals. For example, if we believe that we are not good enough or capable enough to succeed in a particular field, we may not even try, or we may not give it our best effort.

2. our limiting beliefs can create negative emotions such as fear, anxiety, and self-doubt. These emotions can hold us back from taking risks or trying new things, preventing us from living our lives to the fullest.

3. our limiting beliefs can also affect our relationships with others. If we believe that people are not trustworthy or that we do not deserve love and respect, we may struggle to form close and meaningful connections with others.

Overall, our limiting beliefs can have a significant impact on our thoughts, emotions, behaviours, and relationships. Identifying and challenging these beliefs can be an important step towards personal growth and achieving our full potential.


When we work with our limiting beliefs as an energy, we can create shifts easily.

How do we do this?

By tracing back when the belief was first created using the EAM the Energy Alignment Method. Because every memory we have ever had is still stored in our subconscious, in our energy field as a holographic memory,  Once identified this belief can be released using the release statement and we can align to more positive beliefs that support our vision & dreams.