Access your subconscious with a video and guide.

Created by: Sass Tetzlaff

Wherever you are on your spiritual path one of the most useful guides is your own inner self.
We seem to place a lot of importance on outside guidance, mentors, coaches etc forgetting that we have an internal sat nav at our disposal.

Much of the work done using EAM relies on this simple to use muscle testing technique that can give you straightforward answers.

Known as “the sway” it’s a way to use your body as a pendulum to access the knowledge about your past, patterns, previous lives, experiences etc. – much of which you have no conscious awareness of. 

It takes a while to get the hang of it so we have provided you with both a video to watch and a downloadable guide. 

Both contain tips on waking up your energy but if you still struggle then contact any EAM mentor!
It’s what they do!

Please be aware the video is just over an hour long but contains lots of info about energy principles that will help you on your path. 

download the step by step guide here 

Introducing the Sway