Created by: Sass Tetzlaff

We’ve all seen the posts that encourage us to stay in touch or visit a friend who has become withdrawn or isolated.

Unfortunately we have been led to believe that just a phone call or popping round will help them, (or us if we are in that situation).

Does this really help?

I’m sorry to say that in reality it rarely does and can often add to their stress at such a time.
But, what if you could hand them a list of practical solutions that they can start to act on immediately?

Is this something you could use?

While I was going through crippling anxiety, severe clinical depression and suicidal tendencies, I tried everything I could find that I thought might help me. At the time, I just wanted answers, solutions and kept looking and trying anything and everything until something helped me to feel better. I was relentless.

When pity isn’t enough

And here’s the thing – folks in that situation don’t want your pity, concern or phone calls. They just want to feel better and often haven’t got a clue where to start.

It’s really important that we  all raise awareness of the solutions instead of ineffectually perpetuating the problem.

Please sign up below and you’ll get my list of tools and solutions that I have tried and found to be a great help on my healing journey.

If you know of any more that I can explore then please do get in touch; the more we can raise awareness of the solutions available the better!

If you need help navigating mental health issues and want to know where to start then book your free 30 minute chat with me here.