Get a free guide on how to remove yourself from a toxic relationship and go “No Contact”

Created by: Sass Tetzlaff

Toxic relationships are very hard to cope with. 
They also take various guises and literally anyone can be a perpetrator or a victim. This kind of abuse knows no judgment you can be rich or poor, any colour, religion, race, gender etc. 

Your abuser can be a parent, partner, boss, colleague, friend, child, neighbour, sibling, etc. Anyone. 

It’s not a competition, either. If you’re on the receiving end of it then you have two choices, stay and sacrifice your true self or leave; which is easier said than done. 

Staying in a toxic or narcissistic relationship brings its own set of rules and strategies for coping. However, if you have come to the point where there is no alternative and want to know how to remove yourself from a toxic relationship then understand that the only way to make it work is to go “No Contact”

This guide is intended to explain how to do that and what it entails. 
It’s not something to undertake lightly so read it through and think on it because once you do it, there’s no going back.
Because if you do things will not improve and you will just be giving away your power to someone who does not respect, love or care for you.

How to go “No Contact” with confidence