Entrepreneurial myths busted
Digital download guide for new entrepreneurs.

Created by: Sass Tetzlaff

Thinking of starting a new business?

Got a great idea and think you’re good to go?


There are a few myths out there that need to be well and truly BUSTED! in order for you to make any kind of progress and I reveal them to you in this easy guide. 

Gone are the days of leaving school and working 9-5 for the next 40 years in one career or company. 
We are well and truly in the age of the entrepreneur and there are so many exciting ways you can run your own business in today’s market. 
I know how tempting it can be to just dive right in but if you pause a while and take the time to prepare properly it will save you time, money and energy in the long run.

With over 30 years experience in running my own business(es) there are a few things I’ve come to realise and would love to pass on to you.
Why not shave some time (and  pain! 😆) off your entrepreneurial journey and learn from my mistakes (and successes)

Click on the link to download a free guide to busting the entrepreneurial myths that you can refer to again and again as you progress. 


  • If you’d like to book a free 30 minute call with me to discuss your business idea, challenges etc then use this link or contact me via my website 
