Image of a green goddess
Create a visual affirmation of who you are without words.

Created by: Sass Tetzlaff

For centuries, women have been bombarded with images of “perfect” women fulfilling a patriarchal society’s ideal roles.

More often than not these images were created by men for other men to look at with the sole purpose of sending subliminal messages to both sexes; men as the powerful dominant half and women as the passive subdued half of the species.
Women were portrayed as the object of the image rather than the subject.

This has left women confused as to how they are represented not only in the public psyche but in our own minds eye.

But, let’s face it, once we have walked away from the mirror we have no idea what we look like and how others “see” us is often more about the energy we project than our physical attributes.

And we are the architects of that energy in every moment.

So, if you feel you are not expressing your true self or giving off the energy you want to be defined by then creating your own personal visual affirmation to keep on your phone, device or wall could be the answer.

Download this free guide that shows you how to do it.