Mental Health

Are you concerned about your mental health?

See how alternative methods and alignment techniques can help you to create more mental balance for you. Discover how you can take back control of your thoughts and mental chatter right NOW.

Mental health is about how we process the world around us; it’s the way you think and do. Low mood, anxiety, phobias, impaired physical and/or emotional function and stress are typical symptoms of poor mental health.

Finding ways to improve your mental health will ripple out across all areas of your life and the resources below are designed to help with that.

Moving universe used in post by Carli Thorpe
Healing with Movement
How movement can heal - physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually
Person standing in the rain in a gloomy setting
Depression – symptom or illness?
Depression is a symptom of life in survival mode, repressed anger, and the denial of our true expression.
Burnout to breakthrough
Recovering from Burnout
4 signs you are burning out and 5 ways to thrive again
Introduction to EAM
Unmasking the Power of Positivity: Overcoming Automatic Negative Thoughts
We can empower ourselves to rewrite the script, embracing the positive stories that affirm our multifaceted existence and create the life we want.
Navigating Life’s Crossroads: Embracing Change and Self-Discovery
The power to shape your narrative lies within the choices you make and the perspectives you adopt.
Image of someone resting
Starting your self-care journey
Discover what true self-care really is and how to start your self-care journey
Learn how to deal with negative comments.
Learn how to deal with negative comments and insults in this free guide.
Image of a green goddess
Create your own personal visual affirmation.
Create a visual affirmation of who you are without words.
How to shift limiting beliefs
What are Limiting beliefs, how they affect us & how can we shift them?
How healthy are your boundaries?
How healthy are your boundaries?
What are healthy boundaries? What stops them? How can you create them?
Mental Health Solutions
Download a free guide to methods and modalities you can use to help you address mental health issues that do not involve conventional therapy.