Anuradha – Spiritual Life Coach
Energy Alignment Method (EAM) Mentor  —   Intuitive Energy Healer

Are you ready to come home to yourself ?

My name is Anuradha and I am all about continuously and consciously evolving and transforming myself. Growth is my key value and I have been on an intensive spiritual and healing journey over several years during which I have witnessed a massive transformation within myself that has reshaped my identity and seen me grow at all levels. 
I am an accredited EAM mentor & coach and a practising intuitive energy healer. I also have a rewarding corporate career in a leadership role. My science background is backed by a Masters’ degree in Computer Applications and I am also qualified in Indian classical vocal music for which I have a deep and soulful appreciation. All of this as well as my natural talent in intuitive healing enables me to bring into my pracrice a 360 view of situations that my clients are going through.
As a sensitive introvert in the corporate world and having lived most of my adult life outside of India where I was born and brought up, a large part of healing journey has been about coming home to my own divine self through reconnecting with my heart and with my roots.
I am passionate about supporting my clients reconnect with their own self to access their own wisdom to truly come home to their own divine self. I am also passionate about the celebration and restoration of our rich ancestral and cultural legacy to its full pride and glory and supporting my clients in their quest to reconnect with their roots. 


Email: [email protected]

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