Energetic & Soul Wellness Therapist
Hypnotherapist, Physhotherapeutic Councellor, Advanced EFT Practitioner
Matrix Imprinting Practitioner, EAM Mentor, Akashic Records Consultant

It is my passion & purpose to support clients to reconnect to their heart, soul and authentic self, so they can return to peace, love & joy, their natural birth right.

I began my own healing and personal growth journey as unplugged and disconnected from my true nature as I possibly could have been.

What I knew was that I wasn’t happy.

I was riddled with shame and fear, and I believed myself to be utterly worthless. 

While my journey back to ME wasn’t always easy, looking back, I can NOW see that I was always blessed to receive the right support in terms of teachers, techniques, modalities and mentors. 

Ultimately, this led me to become the Energetic & Soul Wellness Therapist I am today. 

As a qualified and experienced Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner, Advanced EFT Practitioner, EAM Energy Alignment Mentor and Akashic Records Consultant, I have an expansive range of skills, tools, techniques and knowledge that I incorporate into my transformational sessions. 

These are the tools I use to help my clients to come home to themselves, step back into their power, make self-loving choices, and recognise the wonder of who they truly ARE.

I help clients who are experiencing: 

  • Severe Emotional Responses
  • Fears, Phobias & Anxiety
  • Procrastination and Patterns of Avoidance
  • Feeling STUCK in a cycle, they hate but cannot brake
  • Unexplained Anger & Frustration
  • Feeling Alone, Unimportant or Disempowered
I KNOW that the first step to reaching out for help takes a lot of courage. Therefore, I believe it is important to create a safe environment, using the most gentle & kind approaches to achieve lasting positive shifts.
Every tool, technique and modality I use has been chosen with my client’s well-being and safety at its core. 


Are you ready to take the first step to see what’s possible when you decide that: “SOMETHING HAS TO CHANGE”

I offer a complimentary 40 min discovery call to see where you are, what you would like to change, and determine if we have the right chemistry.


Website: www.attheheartofhealth.com

Email: [email protected]

Contact: 07957416962

Location: Online / London

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