Psychotherapist and Coach

EAM, EMDR, Art Therapy, Person-Centred Counselling, Ecstatic Dance, Psychedelic Integration, 

As a specialised psychotherapist and coach, I bring gentle techniques that get results. Whether individually or in groups of up to 8, truth, being heard, connection and clarity are waiting to empower you. as you continue your soul journey

I jumped into humanistic psychology 45 years ago way back in my 20’s, taking part in meditation, ashrams, yoga, breathwork, dance, group psychotherapy and many of the things that now thankfully, are almost fully in vogue!  

Throughout my career and adult life, the real thing that always stayed with me was my fascination for people, and why life appeared to be an unsolvable game. In 1985 I trained in the USA in body psychotherapy, sharing a healing practice with other practitioners at St James Centre for Health and Healing in London for 7 years. I had to abandon this, doing odd jobs like shop work, cleaning, legal secretarial work and then teaching because I had a strong felt sense there was something missing.   When marriage and motherhood beckoned, as with many, parenthood brought me a massive learning. 

In my 40’s as a Mum, I had lightbulb moments about the effects of child abuse, and how what I had gone through as a child had also affected me. It now dawned that I’d stopped my body psychotherapy practice because the social and professional knowledge from informed trauma perspectives was sorely absent.  My book, ‘Survivors’ Stories’ was published in 2007 and at that time I began training for a diploma in person centred counselling.  I went on to get an MA in art therapy with children, teens and adults, EMDR accreditation, and EAM accreditation.  These qualifications have opened doors into all the resources provided by the expanding field of trauma healing that now closely parallel with the neurological sciences.  I am equipped to work through the barriers caused by trauma, and to support your way through to live more fully from your essence, and realise your true potential.    

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Meet Morven Fyfe
Meet Morven Fyfe specialised psychotherapist and coach here at Circle For Transformation in a friendly chat with fellow mentor Kat Catlin