Plan Your Course with Stephanie Thompson Coaching | Stephanie Thompson
3-day free 'learn and do' training to Plan Your Course.

Created by: Stephanie Thompson

There is nothing worse than sitting on zoom, creating copious notes, trying to capture every nugget of information to Plan Your Course, only to find you have nothing of substance at the end of it.  That you then need to find time to actually implement what you have learnt, with no-one to ask.

This 3-day free training is NOT like that!  It is a ‘learn and do’ activity, where we will actually Plan Your Course.  The format is ‘learn a bit, do a bit’ and walk away with your course planned out.  Plus there are hot seat sessions, where you can come and ask questions.  

It would be an honour to welcome you into the calls, where you will Plan Your Course and be surrounded by like minded souls all supporting each other.

Stephanie Thompson Coaching | Launch Your Course Online with Stephanie Thompson Coaching | Stephanie Thompson
Stephanie Thompson

I can’t wait to see what the outcome is for you and to connect with you soon. 

Remember, I am always happy to help. 

Chat soon.  Stephanie x


Click here to access the latest details – you won’t be disappointed.

On the fence about whether you are ready for this yet?  No worries let’s have a chat and let me see how I can help you.  You can book some time in my diary by clicking here ….

Book a coffee and chat with Stephanie

Want to know more about how you can work with me?  Don’t want to book a call yet?  No problem, just click here to have a look at my website … www.