Do I need a freebie giveaway with Stephanie Thompson Coaching | Stephanie Thompson
It is important to have an update-to-date profile. It is your shop window for all to view, so accuracy and currency is important.

Created by: Stephanie Thompson

The freebie is a tempter for your ideal client to get to know you more without them paying any funds.  The freebie is also to help build that magical know, like and trust. 

Two purposes for your freebie;

  1. it’s your opportunity to interrupt your potential clients current hell and help them want to get to know you more
  2. by enabling a transformation at no cost, they are likely to want to know more about what else you can do for them.


Remember if they know and like you they will listen, if they trust you they will buy.

What is a freebie?

In my eyes the freebie is something that can be downloaded instantly, any time of day or night, anywhere in the world.  The key word here is instantly. This is where your potential client has seen something they think will help and they are asking for it instantly.

By completing your opt-in form they are asking for your freebie and offering their email address in exchange. Their golden nugget is your freebie will offer them valuable information to help overcome their current situation

The email address is the golden nugget for us, as a coach.

Once we have their email address then we can nurture them, to build that magical relationship of know, like and trust.

A freebie can take many forms, but is usually a document download, such as

  • A check list
  • An e-book
  • Ten steps to ……
  • 5 tips to …….
  • 3 things to avoid when …….
  • A planner / layout
  • Maybe even a video demonstrating something


Think beforehand what it is you want to share, with your ideal client, by starting with the outcome.  What is it you want your client to have / feel / experience / gain after reading, and maybe actioning, your document?  The documents are often simple, straight forward steps or tasks, but will make a big difference to your ideal client’s current “hell”.

Once you know the outcome you want to achieve, you can work on the content you are going to include to achieve that outcome. Don’t overwhelm them with too much information though.

What’s next?

From the content, you can work on the most appropriate format to share that content e.g. in a table, bullet points, completed example, etc.

Now you can work on the words to use, to portray the knowledge you want to impart to your client.

And finally you can make it look “pretty” by using something like the free version of  

Now you have a freebie and can share with those wonderful potential clients who need your help.

If you have any questions please drop me an email to me at [email protected]

Stephanie Thompson Coaching | Launch Your Course Online with Stephanie Thompson Coaching | Stephanie Thompson
Stephanie Thompson

I look forward to connecting with you soon.   

Remember, I am always happy to help. 

Chat soon.  Stephanie x


There are a number of blogs and podcasts on my website, if you would like to explore further, just click here to go to

If you have any questions about setting up your heart-centered coaching business online, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. You can book some time in my diary by clicking here ….

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Want to know more about how you can work with me?  Don’t want to book a call yet?  No problem, just click here to have a look at my website … www.