What I've learned about the ART of staying in Alignment.

Created by: Kat Catlin

I leaned about the concept of being in Alignment and FLOW early into my self-development journey. I understood there are two ways of being either IN Alignment or OUT of Alignment with our true authentic self at any given moment.
The teachings of Abraham-Hicks have played a big part in my understanding of the Universal Laws of Attraction and Vibration.
I learned how our emotions are our compass and indicator of HOW aligned we are. The better we feel the more in Flow & Alignment we are…
Simple right?
BUT Understanding this concept intellectually was only one part…
I couldn’t help asking myself:
“What’s the point knowing that right now I am “out of alignment” because I don’t feel good or that I am having a “clarifying and contrasting experience” ( as AH would call it) IF I can’t do anything about it?????
This just didn’t sit right with me…
And sitting and meditating also wasn’t for me…
You see… I am a hands on girl who likes to find solutions and answers, lol 
So, when I discovered EAM the energy Alignment Method in 2019 my prayers were answered 🙏🏻 I had found an active approach to worked on:
1. Identifying the resistances
2. Releasing the resistance and
3. Aligning to more FLOW and ease
On my personal journey using the method and subsequently becoming a fully accredited EAM Energy Alignment Method Coach & Mentor I learned how unique and complex we all are as individuals. I also discovered self-limiting beliefs & patterns very one of us tend to have to a varying degree. This eventually formed the foundation for my own Core Alignment Approach called FLOW to FREEDOM, designed to align us back to our fundamental Core Truth and our authentic essence.
FLOW to FREEDOM combines the spiritual teaching of the universal law with a systematic hands-on alignment approach to shift the things that are keeping us out of alignment and flow.
If you would like to create more Alignment and FLOW in your life feel free to reach out via my website