Person standing in the rain in a gloomy setting
Depression is a symptom of life in survival mode, repressed anger, and the denial of our true expression.

Created by: Carli Thorpe

Do you experience depression? If you do, then you will know the absence of vitality and joy that comes with it. 

The heavy weight of moving through life with depression is exhausting, and on some days, the only objective you can focus on, is to just get through the day.

But, what if I told you that there is a way to recover? A natural and sustainable way to heal from the root cause?

I know, I didn’t believe it was possible either.  I’d been told for years that depression would be permanent for me. That I had depressive illness. A condition inherited and and irreversible. 

Carli hand on heart

I am living (thriving) proof that this isn’t true.  I have been free of medical intervention for seven years now, and what I have learned in that time is profound.

Discovering and healing the root cause of my depression has been the most liberating, challenging, courageous, and emotional journey of my life. And I would not change it for the world.   

In Gabor Maté’s book “When the Body Says No”, he sites many examples of some of the causes of depression – repressed emotions, especially anger, manifest in depression and other chronic illnesses.  If you think about the word repress and its meaning – “to subdue (someone or something) by force” – it starts to make sense.

I wish I had known this 30 years ago.  But we don’t know what we don’t know, until such time as a seed of wisdom is planted!  Then, as so aptly put by Maya Angelou: “Do the best you can until you know better. Then, when you know better, do better.”

I write more about this and my recovery journey in this blog post, designed to plant seeds of curiosity and possibility, that perhaps you don’t have to permanently live with depression. How does that sound to you?

Are you ready to try a new approach, and to heal your root?  I won’t pretend that it’s an easy journey, but it would be an honour to hold space and guide you on that journey.

I offer an integrated approach across the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of life, offering tools, techniques and knowledge that can create powerful, permanent change in your wellbeing.

If you would like to find out more about what I do, and how I can help, please contact me here and lets have a chat.  You do not need to do this journey alone, and maybe I am the correct person to support you.