Moving universe used in post by Carli Thorpe
How movement can heal - physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually

Created by: Carli Thorpe

“Change happens through movement and movement heals” – Joseph Pilates

What does the word “movement” mean to you? Does it conjure images of someone moving their body? The flowing movement of the river?  Perhaps the movement of the branches and leaves in the wind? Or something else entirely?

What about the movement we can’t see or feel? The movement that is happening within and around us all the time, that perhaps we do not notice?

If we look at movement from the perspective of energy, and with the understanding that everything is energy, then it becomes clear that we, and everything around us (including the entire universe) visible or not, is always moving.

I share much more about this in my blog post

I consider movement, and healing, to be possible in four key areas of ourselves: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual (PEMS) and if we are consciously working on all four areas – then we’re on track to experience a life of wellness, vitality and joy!  This is my vision for everyone: to experience wellness on all levels.

What do I have the power to change?

Lightbulb held up to the sky

Take a moment to consider:

  • What areas of your life do you want to change?
  • Where do you want to see movement?
  • If one year from now, things could be different, how would they be?
  • How would you feel?
  • What would you be doing?
  • Who would you spend your time with?
  • Where would you be?
  • What challenges would you no longer have?
  • What is something you have ‘put up with’ for a really long time, because everything else you’ve tried, hasn’t worked?
  • What habits would you change?

Changes in all of these areas are possible!  Perhaps take some time to feel into each of these questions. Take pen to paper and journal – what comes through?  It might feel daunting at first, but I can assure you there is a huge amount of support available to you, if you decide to embark on a journey of change!  Firstly, simply by declaring it to the universe, it will conspire to bring you the tools, techniques and people you need.

The simple fact that you’re here, reading this article, means you’ve seen the amazing coaches and practitioners available in this space.  

Perhaps it’s time to get curious? 

Have a read of some of our bio’s available on this page.

You never know, you might just find the movement motivation you’re looking for!

Find out more how Carli can help you by exploring her offerings and contacting her here.