Created by: Kat Catlin

Keep going…
Have you been on the journey of personal growth and transformation for what feels like FOREVER…
Yet, you feel like you are getting NOWHERE?
Especially, when it comes to your relationship with loved ones.
As a recovering “people-pleaser” and “over-giver” I understand the challenge of setting new healthy boundaries. Prioritising ourselves and our wants and needs often gets met with resentment and pushback by partners and family who don’t understand or don’t like the new more empowered version of ourselves.
As a result, it can feel like we are taking one step forward and two steps back…and quite a lonely place to be in.
If this sounds familiar… please know that you are not alone.
Next time you receive resistance or push-back from a loved one – I invite you to embrace it as evidence of your growth.
I am here to tell you to keep going even if it feels hard.
Keep saying yes to yourself, continue setting boundaries, and be strong in saying NO to the things that don’t resonate anymore. By remaining consistent you will become stronger, more confident and most importantly, you demonstrate that you mean business. If you walk your talk ultimately you teach the people around you what is acceptable to you and what isn’t.
So, next time you are called selfish… be proud of yourself… because it takes guts and courage to make YOU number 1 priority.
Lots of Love
Kat x