Our coaches are qualified in a range of modalities all designed to help you get to the bottom of what is standing in your way and align to the best possible version of yourself.  Below you can find information about each of the individual modalities, coaches that practice  them and associated resources.

Circle For Transformation

Akashic Records

The Akashic Record is a dimension of consciousness that contains a vibrational record of every soul and its journey. They are accessible to everyone, at any time. They are often referred to as the Book of Life, and this body of wisdom has been an ever-present source of spiritual support for people throughout time. Everyone is able to access their records, it’s just that we have forgotten how to. Your record holds all information of your soul throughout time and space, from its first birth.

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Alexander Technique

Alexander Technique 

The Alexander Technique is a unique and practical approach to improving posture, movement, and overall well-being. It focuses on reeducating the mind and body to release harmful patterns of tension and restore natural coordination. By increasing body awareness and promoting conscious control it enables  individuals to move with greater ease, balance, and efficiency. 

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Circle For Transformation

Business Coaching

Whether you are getting started, or trying to grow your business, our coaches offer a magical combination of coaching expertise and energy work to help you create amazing results.

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Circle For Transformation

The Energy Alignment Method

The Energy Alignment Method or EAM is a natural, holistic modality that works on the energy systems that are in and around the body.

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EFT is short for Emotional Freedom Technique. It is also known as “tapping”, “meridian tapping” or acupuncture without needles because it involves tapping gently with your fingers on certain meridian points on the head, face and upper body. It is non-invasive, easy to master and can be taught to children, too. It has no adverse side effects and can be done anywhere.

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Circle For Transformation

Helix Method

The Helix Method, is an energy healing and alignment technique that empowers people to master the art of reality creation and live at their highest potential across all areas of their life, and combines the magical lineage of Goddess Isis’s mystery school with western energy psychology and manifesting methods.
Circle For Transformation

Theta Healing 

Theta Healing is a meditation technique and spiritual philosophy that uses focused thought and prayer, and was created and channeled by Vianna Stibal. The method offers physical, emotional, and spiritual healing by tapping into the Theta brain wave.  

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Circle For Transformation

The practice of Reiki, promotes a sense of peace, balance, and wholeness by balancing and harmonizing the flow of energy within the body. This can lead to a reduction in stress, anxiety, and physical pain, as well as an increase in relaxation, mental clarity, and emotional well-being.  

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