Stephanie Thompson Coaching | Launch Your Course with Stephanie Thompson Coaching
Are you ready to launch your course? Take this 10 minute, free survey, to confirm you have everything ready for a successful launch.

Created by: Stephanie Thompson

Are you ready to launch your course?  Is it a daunting prospect. don’t worry, it’s all in hand!

You are an amazing heart-centered coach offering awesome transformations, working one-to-one with your wonderful clients.

Then, as with many others, there comes a realisation moment when you want to help more people, but you only have so many hours in a day.  This is the point when you start to consider creating a group coaching programme, but are you ready to launch? 

The overwhelm:

The influx of information is overwhelming.  There are new skills to learn, which is daunting.  When was the tech so scary?  And to top it all off – how does it all fit together when you have conquered the overwhelm so far? 

Are you ready to launch your course? When I first started out, I always felt I was missing something, but I didn’t know what!

Oh I know exactly what you are going through, believe you me!!!!  I remember the hours and hours and hours spent trying to learn about funnels and email sequences, freebies and low cost valuable offers!  Hours turning into days.  Days turning into weeks and still I didn’t feel ready to launch on-line. 

Thank goodness I had a fantastic coach I could ask questions, who guided me through the maze of setting up my coaching business on-line!  I will admit it is the best thing I ever did though and my business absolutely sky rocketed.  Plus, she set the standard for how I operate my business today!

It doesn’t have to be this way:

However, I definitely DON’T want you to go through the same as I did, I really don’t!  I love a process, I love a system and to work out what I needed at what point and when, was a quandary. 

So, having ‘trialled and errored’, ‘tried and tested’, ‘planned and failed’, I eventually identified the steps that actually work, in which order!  In fact I am so confident about the process, I actually wrote a book about it and became a best-selling author!  I’m rather pleased with that achievement I have to say.

So, are you ready to launch your course?  Don’t worry I am not going to suggest you read the whole book to make sure. 

Next step:

I have created something much easier to work through, so you can establish if you have every aspect of your launch covered.  It is my “Are you ready to launch” survey.  It takes just 10 minutes to complete and at the end you can book some time, for us to discuss your next steps. 

The “Are you ready to launch” survey goes through all the various element you need in place for a successful launch. so you can very quickly see if you are missing anything.

Stephanie Thompson Coaching | Launch Your Course Online with Stephanie Thompson Coaching | Stephanie Thompson
Stephanie Thompson

I can’t wait to see what the outcome is for you and to connect with you soon.

Remember, I am always happy to help.

Chat soon.  Stephanie x

Click here to start the free, 10 minute, “Are you ready to launch” survey so you know you’ve got everything in place ready for a successful launch.

Once you have completed the survey there will be an option to book a coffee and chat with me, to discuss your next steps.  Remember I am always happy to help.  If you missed the link in the survey, don’t worry just pop back here and you can book some time in my diary by clicking the link below ….

Book a coffee and chat with Stephanie

Want to know more about how you can work with me?  Don’t want to book a call yet?  No problem, just click here to have a look at my website … www.