Click on the link to read a short article on how creativity is so important yet is often overlooked.

Created by: Sass Tetzlaff

Being creative is the best therapy.

I kid you not.

Our natural way of operating as humans is to be creative.

It helps us relax, it helps us think better, it helps us solve problems and puzzles, it helps us come up with new solutions, it helps us try new paths and ways of doing things, it helps us to interact and integrate with others, it helps us to communicate, it opens up new neural pathways in our brains, it helps us in every walk of life.

Not convinced?
Read this short article and learn how being more creative can help you in life, work, love and play.

If you struggle to be more creative in your life then there are probably some energy resistances that could be stopping you from trying. This could be from childhood when it was frowned upon or even societal/cultural programming  that has convinced you it’s not important.
It could be a wide variety of things but until you open up to finding ways of exploring and releasing them you’ll never move beyond them.
All our mentors are here to help you uncover what those resistances are so you can step up and live a more fulfilled, rewarding and creative life. 
Book a free chat with one now.  ( link)