Carli Thorpe

Guiding your self-healing journey

Wellness Coaching; Energy Alignment Method; Heartmath Practitioner; Pilates & Movement for Wellness

Guided self-healing; chronic stress, burnout, depression and anxiety recovery. Interpreting the symptoms of life and; body to heal root cause, restoring natural vitality and joy.

“Maybe the journey isn’t so much about becoming anything. Maybe it’s about un-becoming everything that isn’t really you, so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.”

This quote by Paulo Coelho sums it up perfectly. We are conditioned from such a young age to place our authority, faith, worth and identity outside of ourselves.  Events in childhood, home life, school, social groups and work life further disconnect us from our true nature and leave us living through a traumatised view of the world.

The symptoms your are experiencing physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and socially, will tell us everything necessary to guide you back to yourself. The clues are there, ready to be recognised and transformed.  You may just need some help along the way.

I have a unique way of seeing YOU. offering insights and guidance as you navigate your self-healing journey.  Using an integrative approach, you are held and supported every step of the way. My ultimate aim is for you to reclaim your power and reclaim yourself, so that my support is no longer necessary.

My healing journey began in 2017 when I hit rock bottom with a major burnout.  I reached a point in my life, aged 37, when I simply couldn’t carry on a moment longer.  To the outside world I was a happy individual with the ‘perfect’ life, but on the inside I was crumbling.

Perfectionism, people pleasing, crippling low self-worth and a complete lack of self-belief had been running the show for a long time – but I had been oblivious.  I was so disconnected from myself, I didn’t see the signs until it was too late.

Diagnosed with depression and anxiety in my teens, I had built my life on foundations of false beliefs about myself and the world around me. In 2017 it all came crashing down.  But, my burnout became my breakthrough.

Through trial and error, deep transformational healing from complex childhood trauma, and making some life-changing choices, I can truly say I now feel like me.  The REAL me.  I feel a connection inside that I never knew could exist and I wonder how I lived without it for so many years.

I know this is possible for you too.

My unique life experience, healing journey, intuition and extensive re-training, mean I am uniquely placed to guide you from:

  • Fear to freedom
  • Chaos to clarity
  • The pain of the past, to peace in the present
  • Self-doubt and uncertainty, to self-confidence and inner knowing
  • Overwhelm to empowerment
  • Disconnected to feeling at home within yourself

Turn your burnout into your breakthrough. 

Leave depression and anxiety at the door.

Recover from past trauma and re-discover your true self in a way you never thought possible.

Your wellbeing really is in your hands. You just need to take the first step and I am here to guide you.


Work with Carli – book your free Vitality check here 
Reconnect with your Body with this Pilates Foundations Course
Are you ready to de-stress your life? Access the free resources here
Co-author of There She Glows, Volume 3: Get the book for inspirational healing stories
Email: [email protected]

Contact: 07729 458250

Location: online

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