Watch a short video explaining the drama triangle.

Created by: Sass Tetzlaff

This 11 minute video explains a relationship dynamic called The Drama Triangle.

What’s that?

There are 3 recognisable personalities that reveal an endless cycle of dysfunction within any kind of relationship. They all feed on drama and none of them come from an empowered, healthy frame of mind.

Which one am I? 
It is possible to be any one of them at any time. You might be one kind in your personal relationship, another with your parents and yet another with your boss. 

Watch this video and become aware of the places in your life where you are acting it out or responding in a certain way. Trust me, we’ve all done it – we are programmed by TV and media to do it. 
Use the knowledge as a starting point to help yourself learn ways to step outside the cycle and free yourself from the drama that often holds us back from achieving our potential.

If you feel you need some help navigating your way out of the triangle then please book a free 30 minute session with me on this link.