The Helix Method, created and taught by Louisa Havers, is an energy healing and alignment technique that empowers people to master the art of reality creation and live at their highest potential across all areas of their life, and combines the magical lineage of Goddess Isis’s mystery school with western energy psychology and manifesting methods.
This method is perfect for you if you are new to alignment and manifesting work, and also if you are well versed in energy healing, manifesting with other modalities and spirituality.
Everything is energy, everything has a frequency and vibration, and as you learn how to change energy, to change frequency and vibration – you master the art of reality creation.
Think of the Universe in terms of frequencies and vibrations.
The simplest way to put this into context is thinking about all the machines we use now that use some sort of frequency in their operation.
Most people are familiar with different forms of waves and frequencies, we have our mobile phones, the internet through waves and frequencies connects us all to each other globally.
When it comes to us, the easiest way to describe what I’m talking about is to think of us humans as having our own “ wi-fi” that is a two way transmission between ourselves and the universe.
So the energy field around us transmits out into the universe, as a sender and a receiver.
This human wifi is your Aura. It is a recording device, every memory, experience, emotion is imprinted onto your auric field.
Using The Helix Method techniques we change the frequency and vibration of our human wifi – the messages that we are sending out into the Universe.
We are always manifesting, we manifest according to our vibration and our frequency. What we see in our reality is a reflection of our internal world.
As we change our vibrations and frequency we change what we are in resonance with, and so can change our experiences and our reality.
The Helix Method provides deep transformational processes for all areas of your life, and as a Mentor you can use these techniques with your clients too.
Connect with me if you would like more information on becoming a Helix Method Mentor.
Mandy Morris

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