Do you have this inner knowing that you are here to make a difference but are struggling to know what that is?

Created by: Kat Catlin

Many of us on the path of personal growth have a deep inner knowing that we are here for a reason beyond our 3D reality. That we are here for a higher purpose, and this is ultimately why we have begun asking questions about ourselves.

Why are we the way we are?

What are we here to do?

What I have learned on my personal journey and in my work with clients is that our purpose is not something outside of ourselves.

Our purpose can be…
Something we have overcome
Something we have healed
Something we have learned
Something we can teach
Something we are passionate about
Something that brings us joy
Something we would do for FREE

The other thing I have learned is that we really DO have all the answers within ourselves, including what our purpose is.  We can find these answers by stripping back the layers of conditioning and programming. When we begin to understand that our limiting stories don’t have to define us in the here and now, we are getting closer to becoming our authentic selves, and this, I truly believe, is part of our primary purpose.


“Our purpose is to understand ourselves

and discover who we really are.”


When we also have the willingness to heal the past and love and accept ourselves with all our imperfections, we will also be on the right path to discovering our Highest Purpose.

If you have this inner knowing that you are here for a higher purpose and would like to discover how to unlock the answers within yourself, book a 20 min discovery call HERE