The Energy Alignment Method or EAM is a simple 5 step process that anyone can learn to use to locate, release and transform any unwanted, negative and hindering aspects of energy that are showing up in your body, your feelings or actions.

They usually look like limiting beliefs, confidence issues, low self esteem, self sabotage, depression, anxiety, PTSD, low performance, phobias, addictions, etc.

The list really is endless.


Because everything is energy including you and me and EAM can help you transform energy from these low painful and undesirable feelings and experiences to higher ones such as confidence, hope, joy, love etc. Transforming your energy to more positive frequencies can help you get clarity, make better decisions, trust yourself, become more self aware, create better boundaries and choose healthier options.

By incorporating a variety of approaches steeped in ancient Eastern philosophies and modern research it becomes the perfect bridge between science and spirituality.

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