Jane O'Neill

Transformation and energy alignment coach
Energy Alignment Method

Empower yourself by transforming and letting go of childhood experiences and conditioning. Rewrite your beliefs, and embrace and align towards your fullest potential.

I passionately believe that whatever your story, whatever you have experienced in your life, whatever your life feels like now you can create a happier more fulfilling life.

I believe this because I have seen it and I experienced it.  As a child I moved home and school several times, and in every school I attended I was bullied.  This left me entering adulthood with very low confidence and believing I was not liked or wanted and didn’t belong anywhere.  The bullying impacted on every part of my life, influencing how I behaved in relationships, how I experienced work, the choices I made and ultimately impacting on my health.

As a result I have been on an amazing journey of healing and personal development including Transactional Analysis, The emotional Freedom Technique, Meta Health and finally The Energy Alignment Method (EAM).

For me EAM was the missing piece of the jigsaw.  It enabled me to let go of and heal my childhood wounds. I used it to discover and transform past experiences, challenging emotions, beliefs and behaviours.  The transformation was life changing and I am now qualified to lead people on their own EAM journey.  I work 121 with individuals, teach people how to use EAM for themselves and am create online resources you can use yourself.

I am currently working on resources for women who find themselves stuck in the “good girl trap” and want to:

·         embrace their individuality and break free from childhood condition and limiting beliefs

·         find a healthy balance in prioritising their own needs and values alongside those of others

·         Who want their relationships to feel equal and fulfilling

·         who want to rediscover their own power and learn to set healthy boundaries

·         Who want to rediscover their sense of self and their authentic voice


·         Who want to feel energised, fulfilled and confident in their own skin

Website: www.janeoneilleamcoach.co.uk

Email: [email protected]

Location: online / West Yorkshire

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