Energy Alignment Mentor, Law of Attraction Coach

Passionate about teaching YOU how to "unlock" the answers within yourself.... So you can come into alignment & be your authentic-self AND feel happier, more empowered & in control of your life.

Finding answers and solutions to becoming happier and more empowered in myself is what started me on my journey of self-discovery many moons ago.

Little did I know how layered and conditioned I had become in the past and by taking on the roles of being a wife, a mother, a daughter & a dutiful employee…

I just knew I felt utterly LOST & ALONE and needed to find a solution…

So, I began to ask questions and found answers.

I touched on many modalities, including mindfulness, hypnosis, NLP & EFT. I learned about the dynamics of life and happiness by understanding the universal law of attraction. Soon after discovering EAM, The Energy Alignment Method, the technique that works on the fundamentals of energy, vibration, and frequency, it became my favourite tool to systematically strip back the layers of my conditioning, free myself of the past, and find back to my happy, empowered & authentic self.  

I discovered that I had ALL the answers and the power already within myself, I was the KEY to my own puzzle, and Vibrational & Energetic Alignment was the way to get there.

Becoming an accredited EAM mentor allowed me to deeply connect to my intuition, step back into my power and discover my higher purpose.  It is my absolute PASSION & PURPOSE to guide and mentor people who want to:

  • FREE themselves from past conditioning
  • HEAL the root cause of unwanted patterns
  • Re-discover their AUTHENTIC-SELF
  • Take control of their INNER-HAPPINESS
  • Step back into their POWER
  • Connect with their PASSION &
  • Find clarity on their PURPOSE


“You too, have all the answers within yourself – You have everything already within you to manifest a life full of ABUNDANCE & HAPPINESS!”

If this sounds interesting and you want to discover how you can achieve this by tapping into your energy, intuition, and innate wisdom, please feel free to reach out. 

I’d love to connect. X

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