When it comes to attracting wealth and abundance it is important to understand the powerful Law of Attraction.

Created by: Kat Catlin

The law of attraction states that we attract into our lives what we are a vibrational match to. As such we will only attract wealth and abundance if we already feel abundant.

For example when we think about money and we are focused on the lack rather than the abundance then we are actually manifesting more of that into our lives. Fact is we are attracting what we are in agreement with. If we believe we are not good enough or worthy of a pay rise then we are less likely to create this.

Alignment, in the context of the law of attraction, refers to the process of aligning our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions with our desired outcome or goal. When we are aligned with our desires, we are in a state of vibrational harmony with them. This means that we are emitting a positive and powerful vibration that attracts our desires towards us.

To align ourselves with our desires, we need to focus our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions on what we want to achieve. We need to visualize ourselves having achieved our goal and feel the positive emotions associated with it, such as joy, gratitude, and excitement. We also need to let go of any limiting beliefs or negative thoughts that might be blocking our path towards our desired outcome.

In essence, alignment is about cultivating a positive and empowered mindset that supports the manifestation of our desires. It involves taking conscious control of our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions and directing them towards our goals. By doing so, we create a powerful energetic field that attracts our desires towards us and makes them more likely to manifest in our reality.

EAM The Energy Alignment Method is a great tool that can help release limiting money beliefs, shift generational money patterns, and can help us to align with a more prosperous version of ourselves