Learn how to deal with negative comments and insults in this free guide.

Created by: Sass Tetzlaff

Do you ever wish you had the perfect response when someone insults you or tries to put you down?

Did you know that what people say to you says very little about you and everything about them?

The things that people say are always a reflection of what is going on in their energy and hearts.  Balanced, self confident people encourage and support others while angry, insecure people use insults and say negative, discouraging things.

Hurt people hurt people.

Knowing this is one thing but knowing how to cope with and deflect negative or toxic comments can be really hard to do – unless you learn how to “Give it Back”.

This is a great technique that, while it might take a while to get the hang of, can make a huge difference to the way you take on (or rather don’t take on) the energy of barbed or hurtful comments from other people.

You literally give it back to them, “unopened and in the original packaging”.

This free guide shows you how.



If you feel your situation requires more support than a free guide, feel free to reach out and book a 30 minute consultation with me, Sass Tetzlaff – The True You Coach at no charge, using this link.




I’ve been where you are and know how hard it can be.