Looking back my search for PUPOSE and meaning in life already began when I was aged 19...

Created by: Kat Catlin

I believe every single one of us is here for a good reason and a higher purpose.💜🙏
This doesn’t mean we need to impact the world in a heroic way.
Our purpose can be subtle, it can be just by being present in the here and now and such having an effect on the people around us – and that’s perfect…
That’s a good enough reason and absolutely enough purpose for being here🥰
BUT for some of us (like me) there is a bigger pull…
A stronger sense of curiosity…
An “I-can’t-put-my-finger-on-it” inner yearning to search for more.
For more, fulfilment, joy, freedom and more PUROSE in life.
I had this pull all my life…
I wanted to discover the world and learn what’s possible.
Looking back, I can see I truly started on my personal growth journey aged 19… but then I didn’t understand what was going on…
I thought I was ungrateful for the good life I had.
I pushed against it to free myself and to break out.
It felt like I was running away.
It left me feeling full of shame & guilt for wanting more and hurting the people who I left behind.
Deep down I thought there was something wrong with me and believed I was not good enough
I NOW know it is our nature to grow and expand and I followed that inner calling…
I have realised that my “running away” from where I was – was actually a search forward to find my highest purpose and authentic self.
It definitely wasn’t the easiest path in life… because it brought me to limits to push through and it took guts to embrace the growing pains
BUT the reward of getting to know my authentic self and owning who I am has been 1000% worth it.
I feel whole
I feel happy in myself
I have healed the past hurt & guilt
I learned to communicate my truth
I am able to set healthy boundaries
I have deep meaningful relationships with the people I love and treasure
I have found my tribe of likeminded souls
I stand in my power
I feel expansive
I feel my most authentic self to-date &
I am looking forward to the journey ahead
How I can share my learning…
How I can fulfil my highest purpose in assisting others on their personal growth journey🙏🏻
Are you one of them?
Are you looking for more happiness, joy, fulfilment & purpose in your life?
Then reach out for a friendly chat.