Physical Health

Looking for ways to improve your physical health?

Check out our articles for how alternative healing techniques can help your physical well-being. We have tips on improving the body’s healing power using a holistic approach by balancing energy through alignment, exercise, nutrition and more.

Discover articles that can help you improve various aspects of your bodily health or contact one of our specialists who can tailor a programme to your needs on topics such as

  • sleep
  • nutrition
  • exercise
  • activity levels
  • hygiene
  • medical conditions
  • lifestyle choices
Moving universe used in post by Carli Thorpe
Healing with Movement
How movement can heal - physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually
Burnout to breakthrough
Recovering from Burnout
4 signs you are burning out and 5 ways to thrive again
Food as Medicine
Discover how you can maintain good physical health by consciously choosing the best foods for your unique nutritional requirements by tapping into your body's energy & innate wisdom.
Can't Sleep? Try this...
Can’t sleep? Try this…
Align to a good night's sleep
How to balance & activate your chakras
Discover your seven chakra energy centres, what they represent and how you can activate and balance them for optimum health & wellbeing.