
Healthy and supportive relationships built on good communication and respect can improve our personal well-being.

However, when things aren’t going well, it’s important to know why because excessive or extreme disagreements in any relationship can have a serious impact on us and lead to low self-esteem and confidence, and also impact our mental & emotional health.

How we relate to ourselves is often a key aspect of our relationships with other people. Discover approaches that can create more flow and ease in YOU & a positive ripple effect in all other relationships.

We offer many resources to help you improve your relationships on all levels. Find guidance on topics such as:

  • Self-esteem ( Relationship with self)
  • Importance of healthy boundaries
  • Unhealthy Relationship Patterns
  • How to Avoid Toxic Relationships
  • Guidance on how to deal with narcissistic relations
  • Trauma & Abuse recovery
Have you suffered Trauma or Abuse?

When overcoming trauma and abuse of any kind, it is best to seek professional help. Your friends may be very concerned and well-meaning but they simply do not have the tools to be able to provide you with the treatment you need in order to process, heal and move on from this kind of experience. Even if they are qualified, it would be unethical of them to offer.

Good to know:

Many of our coaches specialise in trauma/abuse recovery, please know you can reach out for help, advice, or just a chat

Navigating Life’s Crossroads: Embracing Change and Self-Discovery
The power to shape your narrative lies within the choices you make and the perspectives you adopt.
Learn how to deal with negative comments.
Learn how to deal with negative comments and insults in this free guide.
Emotional Triggers
Discover why relationships have the ability to push our emotional buttons. Understand what our emotions tell us and how we can remove these triggers.
How healthy are your boundaries?
How healthy are your boundaries?
What are healthy boundaries? What stops them? How can you create them?
The Relationship with our Inner-child
When it comes to relationships the most important relationship is the one we have with ourselves or more precisely with our inner-child.
How to remove yourself from a toxic relationship
Get a free guide on how to remove yourself from a toxic relationship and go “No Contact”
The Drama Triangle.
Watch a short video explaining the drama triangle.