Social Media Profile with Stephanie Thompson Coaching | Stephanie Thompson
Is it important to update a social media profile?

Created by: Stephanie Thompson

It is important to have an update-to-date profile.  It is your shop window for all to view, so accuracy and currency is important.

Your social media profile supports you in giving a possible first impression to a potential client.  Therefore yes, it may well be time to update your social media profile.

It is important to have an update to date profile, because it is your shop window for all to view.  You just don’t know who is viewing it, so accuracy and currency is important.

With technology as it is today (the world is very small).  There is so much that can be found out about you from your social media profiles and public posts, before your ideal client engages with you.  Pay particular attention to your profile on the platforms you are using to connect with your ideal clients; that first impression really is important.

Things to look for, when updating your social media profile:

  • Make sure the information is current and up to date with any qualifications you have achieved, awards you have received and even recent testimonials if there is room.
  • You want to make it as easy as possible for your clients to identify with you, so review the wording you use.  Is it very business wordy, yet you are trying to attract more spiritual clients?  Think about the words your client would use and use them in your profile, so potential clients can identify with you.
  • Does your profile have links and, more importantly, do they work? 
  • When they follow through on your links, what does that social media profile say?  Is that profile accurate and up to date?

Maintenance of your social media profile is essential too.  If necessary, put a regular slot into your diary to remind you to check, say every 4 to 6 months.

The aim of making your social media profile as current and accurate as possible, is to enable that stranger to begin the journey of know, like and trust with you, so they go from stranger, to friend, to paying client.  If they see a post that states you are a small business coach and then your profile shares you are a buyer for a chemical company, the two don’t really resonate and the client will go elsewhere. 

That first impression really cannot be gained back.

If you have any questions please drop me an email to [email protected]

Stephanie Thompson Coaching | Launch Your Course Online with Stephanie Thompson Coaching | Stephanie Thompson
Stephanie Thompson

I look forward to connecting with you soon.   

Remember, I am always happy to help. 

Chat soon.  Stephanie x

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