Image of someone resting
Discover what true self-care really is and how to start your self-care journey

Created by: Carli Thorpe

I am an advocate of caring for yourself as a priority. I believe this creates freedom, vitality and joy, which then facilitates an increased capacity for kindness and compassion for others.

At the age of 37, I would not have said this. Highly stressed and burned out, I was anxious and depressed, and I reached a point where I could no longer function.

And, I see many other people at this point, or heading towards it, oblivious to the impact chronic stress is having on their wellbeing, because it has become normal.

Does this sound familiar to you? Do you have the quiet nudge in the back of your mind that is telling you to slow down, and start doing things differently?

Heart shaped hands

Perhaps you’re ready to really look at how you take care of yourself, and address the patterns and behaviours that keep you charging through life, never stopping or slowing down.

Perhaps you’re ready to choose a new way, that facilitates natural wellness, and radical self-healing.

“But how?” I hear you ask.  Trust me when I tell you that it is more accessible than you think. It just takes deliberate and incremental changes, and, perhaps, some guidance along the way.

I learned the hard way, but you don’t have to! Take inspiration from what you find here and by

reading the full “Starting your self-care journey” article.

You never know, you might just find what you’re looking for and a whole lot more!

Find out more how Carli can help you by exploring her offerings and contacting her here.