Often it's the simple things that can help us find balance in life. I've discovered how having a personal space helps me to re-set.

Created by: Kat Catlin

Why it’s important to find SPACE?

We are surrounded by people and things most of the time. Think work, think crowded streets, and busy supermarkets. Even at home (if like me you have a family) we are surrounded by people and stuff.

A few years into my journey of self-development I discovered the importance of having my personal space. A room where I could surround myself with the things that bring me joy and a space where my creativity could be expressed and thrive.

Don’t get me wrong, I feel very happy in my home and my personal taste and creativity are reflected there too. However, there is something sacred, special & intimate about having a space that I call mine, that is not shared with the rest of the family.

Later, I realised it’s this space that allows me to drop all the roles of being a wife, a mother, or a coach for a while. This space has the gift to recalibrate me. Other people might use meditation to reset themselves but for me just being in MY space has a similar calming effect. I guess being on my own, was something the introverted part in me craved deeply. 

What this space looks like? 

And the simple answer is that it doesn’t look anything out of the ordinary to an outsider. But for me it holds my favourite photos and art, loving upcycled pieces of furniture (a little hobby of mine) and lights and candles that create a cosy atmosphere. Most importantly this is where I can be creative, painting, crafting, or drafting new concepts and ideas. Often the walls are covered in papers with work in progress and it bothers nobody because I can just close the door.

So this space is multifunctional, it is my sanctuary for peace and calm AND doubles up as my creative hub.

So, if you have the room but have not yet discovered the joys that personal space can bring to your life, I invite you to try it out. Even if you haven’t got a spare room you could start by creating a space in part of another room. Bureau drawers are a great way to hold your personal things and can be locked away when unused.