What is ALIGNMENT? What keeps us out of alignment & how can we achieve being in alignment more often?

Created by: Kat Catlin

What is alignment?

Alignment is a state of being and quite simply put – we are at any given moment either in a state of being IN alignment or we are OUT OF alignment.

Being in alignment is often also referred to as being “in-flow” or “in the zone”. This is when synchronicities happen, we spot the right opportunities, we meet the right people at the exact right time, the traffic lights go green as we approach and we feel great.

We know when we are out of alignment, when things are hard, things go wrong, and we feel unsure. When we are out of alignment, there is a distinct sense of resistance or we experience negative emotions.

As such, our emotions are our indicator if we are in alignment or not.



What causes us to be out of alignment?

We tend to be out of alignment when our thoughts and beliefs contradict our goals and desires. When we would like to achieve something but doubt that it is possible. This creates a push-pull energy of “I want it BUT…” and that’s what we experience as negative emotions.

This is very different from being aligned and in flow energy where we have a dream, we are confident and can easily picture the next logical steps to achieve them then our vision and thoughts are in harmony.

How we can we get more in FLOW and alignment?

The simple answer is to let go of what keeps us in the resistant push-pull energy.  

Most of the time, these resistances are created by limiting beliefs we have about ourselves, that we are not good enough, not capable enough or that we are not worthy or deserving.

EAM The Energy Alignment Method can help us identify what these resistances and limiting beliefs are and allows us to shift them energetically at root-cause level. This way, we become lighter and free-flowing, more relaxed and laid-back. Releasing our limiting beliefs also means that we begin to trust ourselves more and as a result we are more likely to take action to achieve our dreams and desires.