Human design understanding your design
Discover the four different human design types

Created by: Anita Davies

In Human Design, there are four main types that categorize individuals based on their energetic blueprint. Each type represents a unique approach to interacting with the world and offers insights into one’s personal and spiritual growth journey:

1. Manifestor: Manifestors:

have a powerful, initiating energy. They are here to bring new ideas and innovations into the world. Understanding their design can help Manifestors embrace their autonomy, communicate their intentions clearly, and make decisions that honor their need for freedom and impact.

2. Generator:

Generators have a sustainable and responsive energy. They have a natural ability to engage with life force and find fulfillment through work and activities they love. Understanding their design can help Generators listen to their gut instincts, identify what truly lights them up, and make choices that align with their authentic desires.

3. Projector: 

Projectors have a perceptive and guiding energy. They are here to offer insights, wisdom, and guidance to others. Understanding their design can help Projectors recognize their gift of seeing deeply into others, honor their need for rest and recognition, and find their unique role in partnerships and collaborations.

4. Reflector: 

Reflectors have a sensitive and mirroring energy. They are highly attuned to the energies of their environment and act as a barometer for the collective. Understanding their design can help Reflectors navigate their ever-changing experiences, honor their need for regular reflection and space, and find their true identity by reflecting back the energy of those around them.


By understanding your type and following the strategies and authorities associated with it, you can align with your natural flow of energy, make decisions in harmony with their unique design, and experience personal and spiritual growth by living authentically and fulfilling your purpose in the world.

Interested in finding out more how Human Design can help you on your journey, please get in touch.